Sunday, August 31, 2008

Can You Tell..

they've missed each other?

I introduced you to my dear sweet nephews here. These are my brother's kids and I love them just like my own. My brother is still in the midst of his divorce. It just seems to be lagging on and on and on. I feel for any of you who have been through one, and I hope I never have to.

Anyway, with all this "stuff" happening, it seems that we don't get to see the boys often enough anymore. My brother gets them on most off days, but that doesn't mean we always play into the picture. Little Ann has missed her oldest cousin tremendously.

Today after church, he begged to come home with us, and I was so glad it worked out. They have had the bestest time and it has brought such joy to my heart today to hear all the hoots and hollers and giggles and laughs (and I've even endured the loud atrocious wrestling matches as much as I hate violence and noise! lol)

I think the highlight of the day was when they visited Big Dan's restroom upstairs, used and (please forgive me) "stopped it up", caused an overflow and then had to clean up their own mess. I was even giggling to myself at the conversations and laughter I was overhearing. You gotta love kids.

They are only one year apart with Little Ann being the elder. I hope they are always good friends. I told you she has a little testosterone running through her veins and can run with the best of them. I think he likes that she's a little like one of the guys.

Please remember my brother and these sweeties when you pray.


hsmomma said...

I can imagine how hard this must be for you. It would kill me if it were my nephew. Glad you had some precious time together.

Shannon said...

Those pictures are great! :) I bet they will be friends forever!

tondays said...

there's very few things that can compare to the bond of cousins. i am still close to several of my cousins. so glad they had a good day together.