I know I'm not the only one that takes things for granted. Most often it's the simplest things that are of the most importance to us and we don't even recognize it until they are gone.
Take hot water for instance.
A couple of days ago, my dad brought over a butane tank that he had bought for us so that we wouldn't have to rent a tank any longer from our local gas company. We had been trying to run all the gas out of the old tank so we could fill the new one. I guess we weren't paying close enough attention.
Today, first thing, I got up, ready to soak in my tub, but quickly decided these guys would have to go unused until I came up with plan B.

I loaded this full of dishes, only to realize I would have to start it at a later time and hope we didn't run out of clean dishes in the meantime.

Oh, and this is the biggie. Remember Big Dan was at camp all last week? This is where he dumped everything when he came in and needless to say, this is where it still is. Poor Guy, we may have to go
buy him clean underwear.

As I anxiously await our gas man, I can totally relate to
His Girl as she anticipated the arrival of her heating and air man. Cool air...another something we take for granted especially on these 100 degree hot Arkansas days. What on earth did they do back in the days of Little House of the Prairie?
I am hoping for a good week. VBS got off to a great start. We had more little children than we expected and had a great time.
Big Dan is running 103 fever tonight. I'm not sure what is going on with him. We may be making a trip in to see the doctor tomorrow....Anyway...Happy Monday!
I often wonder how life would be without all our conveniences, and, funny, I too imagine "Little House" style living - sometimes wish it!!! When we first moved in here we experienced a lot of summer storms and the power would go out, which meant, because we're on tank water, we would have no running water, not even a flushable loo. But I'd just go out the back and fill a whole heap of buckets from the tank's tap. And it felt a bit "Little House-ish". And I liked it... Yes, I'm a 'funny' one!!! Hope your boy is feeling much better and the temps just killed some nasty bug real quick. Enjoy your day.
You are so right! We are also such creatures of habit. I cannot count the many times that I have walked in a room and flipped a light switch, knowing that the electricity was off. It is just habit. I heard someone compare faith to this one time. They said that when we flip that light switch, we just expect light--we don't wonder IF the light will come on, and our faith in God should be the same way. When we pray we should expect results and not wonder IF we will get them.
Anyway....I hope that you have everything with your gas situated by now. Also hope your boy is feeling better! Have a good week at VBS.
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