Sunday, July 13, 2008

More Sunday Randomness...

Last Sunday I found myself with nothing much worthy of the blog. Today has been one of those days, so once again I feel the need to ramble. Hope you don't mind.

God is so good and we had a wonderful day at church. Sunday's are always a challenge for me. Can't sleep in and I always feel so tired. I can't wait until I can take my nap. When we were leaving the church, I could feel sprinkles...oh yeah..what's better than a Sunday afternoon nap..a Sunday afternoon nap with rain! (which actually never amounted to anything today)

Things have been going good with Big Dan and the "girlfriend". I can refer to her as that now, since he popped the question. Well, not the question, but the one that keeps them from seeing other people..just each other. It's been official for one whole week - non official for two. You know, back in our day, it was called "going steady". These days, our terminology is not hip enough for them so it is referred to as "going out". Anyway, that's what they are doing. I like her.....she is very sweet and she actually talks to me. Not very many girls he has crushed on have lived up to my standards (I am a little picky when it comes to my boy). Mom really should be the only girl kissing on him.

OK, so I hope you're not totally grossed out now. I just thought this looked like such a fun picture. Little Ann took it. Ah, nothing like the giddiness of young love?

For those of you that read my post on the finger accident..I wanted to let you know it is healing nicely. No more blood or bandages..but still no feeling. I've heard it takes a while for the nerve endings to regenerate, but it is the most annoying feeling ever.

I'm not sure what this week will hold. I do know that Big Dan leaves tomorrow bright and early for church camp and he is really excited (the girlfriend...not so much). She did stay after church tonight and help us pack. Little Ann is happy to be able to have a week with no brother. She'll be missing him before the week is over, I'm sure. I can sense a little "Beauty Shop" in store for me.

Thursday, Pete and I will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. We haven't made any big plans yet, but maybe I will share "our story" with you on that day. Might even throw in a few more "big hair" photographs (yes, my fro followed me into the 90's). Yikes!

My birthday is coming up real soon too, and I'm getting ready to have my first bloggy give-away so you guys can celebrate with me. Be sure and keep a watch out and send your friends over.

And....last thing. If anyone notices my cutesy, wootsey signature is gone, it's because I accidentally deleted the html code for it as I wrote this post and can't figure out how to get another one unless I start completely over. Not happenin' this time, but it'll be back!!


hsmomma said...

Yes, I am protective of my boys too. The girls my oldest son takes interest in never seem to suit me. Yet for some reason, when my daughter takes interest (not seriously because she is too young) it seems sweet. I guess we women are funny that way huh?

Glad to hear that your finger is on the mend!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 15 years of marriage. Enjoy the celebrations with your husband.

Sissy said...

Hi there! First, let me say how cute your blog is! I love it. I must compliment your use of I did. So warm and homey.

Anyway, thank you for your comments on my infertility post. It is nice to know that there are other success stories out there. Success stories that grow up to have girlfriends!

Melissa Stover said...

no blogging since sunday? what happened?