Saturday, July 12, 2008

Salsa, anyone?

First, you must know, I am far, far from Martha Stewart..the queen of all domestication. I can't give you tips on sheet folding, (hey, if you figure that bottom sheet trick out, please let me know!) or share exotic recipes. I'm the mom that looks for every opportunity to eat out. In all reality, my children have done very well fending for themselves..thank you hot pockets, pizza rolls and chicken chunks!! I do try though, to make it a point to cook when Pete is home. I guess it's not so much the cooking as it is the mental preparation that I don't like.

With all that said, you are probably surprised to find me sharing a recipe today. I don't know why I am..maybe because this stuff is just so good I thought you would like it too. I ran across this in the teacher's lounge at school one day. I was quite impressed. So, since I am preparing it myself today, getting ready for a Mexican themed Vacation Bible School "meeting of the minds" over at Chickadee's, here goes:

This is what you will need: (notice I buy practically all generic..I'm cheap that way)

1 large can (28 oz) diced tomatoes
1 can of Original Rotel
3 T Red Wine Vinegar
1 1/2 T Cilantro
2 tsp garlic salt
2 tsp onion powder
You can either put it all in a blender (be careful not to over blend) or do what I do, which is put it in a mixing bowl and mix with my smaller hand held blender.
So easy...So good.

Let me know if you try it..and what you think.


His Girl said...

TOTALLY gonna try this!

hsmomma said...

Think I am gonna' go try this RIGHT now. We are having fajitas tonight so it will be perfect!

Betsy said...

This sounds so yummy!! Thank you so much for your comments on my blog!! I don't even know your name, but I'm so excited to get to know you better. Sounds like we've got a lot in common! :)

I'm looking forward to reading through all your past blog entries!! Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

You sound so like moi! It is the mental preparation that gets me too. I busy myself so much through day without often a thought in the world for the evening meal - it just rarely occurs to me. I feel so lame admitting that. But it's true. Despite that, my children manage to be well-fed... You should be very proud of your efforts!

Sissy said...

Thanks for a salsa recipe. If you read back far enough in my posts, you'll see I attempted salsa one time and it turned out pink!