Thursday, November 13, 2008


Clique - (noun). a narrow circle or group of persons held together by common interest, views, or purposes.

I knew it was only a matter of time after she started wearing a bra, and shaving her legs, and getting girly fashion mags in the mail. Only a matter of time before the boy's games didn't hold a candle to the next best color of lip gloss, a hip pair of boots, or who thought who was cute. In a way I'm glad. In a way I'm not.

You see, I've always been a little concerned about how tomboyish Little Ann has been up until now. It's not been a big deal, really, but in the back of my mind, I always wanted her to be close to the girls. I knew one day she would need them....need their support and their giggles and even their drama.

It seems that in the past couple of weeks she has been different. I'm still trying to put my finger on it. She was noticed recently by a couple of girls in the "popular" crowd that all of a sudden after 6 years in school decided they wanted to be her friend. How quickly her self esteem has changed, as well as her vocabulary. We now hear phrases such as "OMG!", I've "totally" got some new "BFF's
....and to me, well, it's just kind of weird. I'm trying not to make more out of it than need be, but I can't help but worry about her. She's really never cared before. The boys never judged her and she was comfortable in her own skin when she was with them, but I know deep down how important relationships are. There is nothing like having a girlfriend you can share everything with.

I know this is only the first of many new found friendships and cliques that she will be a part of as she's only yet begun her journey, but I know how vicious girls can be sometimes and I don't want to see her hurt.

I hope that she will always remember that boys can be your BFF's too, and that she always needs to love everybody, not just the ones that wear name brand clothes.

Anyway, before I bore you to death, I "totally" bloglifed this from my "BFF", April and I thought it was the "coolest". So with Little Ann's invitation to "sleep over" with the popular girls this weekend....AND a trip to see the new HSM 3 movie, I thought it was appropriate.....and hilarious. We laughed so hard we nearly peed in our pants.

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Now, here comes the hard part. Tonight she discovered that her guy BFF (who now lives 3 hours away) was coming down for a visit the same night she was supposed to be hangin' out with the gals. What's a poor girl to do???

Scrapper Mom - Don't know how I deleted my sig, but somehow I did! oops.


April said...

Aren't those videos such fun! I love it! :) You need to get that girl in movies! :)

I know what you mean about Little Ann going through all these changes. Abby just entered middle school this year and it's opened up a whole new world. She is asking to wear makeup (I'm holding out on that one!) and has been saying those little phrases like you mentioned.

Abby, too, has some new-found friends from the "popular" group and it's changed her somewhat, as well. I just hope and pray that she'll be as grounded as she ever was and continue to make the right choices. It's so easy sometimes to follow along with what the "group" wants to do, rather than what you know you SHOULD do. Oh, I guess I'll never stop worrying about my kids!

I really enjoyed this post...I relate to it so well! We have so much in common, it blows my mind!

Have a great Thursday, my friend!!

sobeatandsobattered said...

Boys will be around for a long time; good friends are harder to come by and even harder to keep. I can't help with much of this but I think I'd lean towards a night out with the friends...