Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wrapping it Up...

birthday presents and the month of October....that is.

If you read my letter to my firstborn, you know that Big Dan celebrated his 18th birthday Thursday. He had a good day complete with a birthday breakfast, a lunch his sister packed for him to take to school, and an evening spent with our family and the girlfriend at a Japanese steakhouse/sushi bar in the big city. I wanted it to be a special night and it was. The food was soooo good and the atmosphere was hysterical. The guy that cooked our food on the hibachi was so comical and he really made the kids laugh.

I love watching the tricks these guys do on the grill. They are pretty amazing if I do say so myself. After we ate our meal, several of the cooks came out pounding drums and singing Happy Birthday to both of the kids as they brought out the fried ice cream. The girlfriend will be turning 20 (yes, he's got an older woman) on Tuesday so it was kind of a 2 for one birthday dinner.

Can you say spoiled??? Oh. my. goodness. I bought Big Dan several items for his baseball career. He had told me his coach said he would be working on 1st base some this season and so I went all out on a really good 1st baseman's mitt. I didn't mind spending a little more because it was a special birthday and he is talking of playing baseball on the college level if able. I also went ahead and got him a really nice new bag, and a new pair of cleats. The girlfriend got him 2 Ed Hardy tees, a fossil watch and a Lacosta cologne gift pack. Not to mention that she has already bought him a Ralph Lauren cap.

He got several cards (that included cold hard cash) in the mail and tomorrow we are having Sunday lunch with my mom and dad and so the gift giving will continue. I know he has had a great 18th.

Last night we had our 2nd annual "Trunk or Treat" at the church. We decorate the trunks of our cars...or in my case the back of my mini, dress up and pass out candy from the parking lot. I like it alot because it gives us all a chance to fellowship with friends while giving the kids a safe place to trick or treat. I also like not having to take Little Ann door to door. She loves to trick or treat, but she has never eaten the candy. Yes, my child is a unique one indeed. Not only is she a major germaphobe, she is convinced all Halloween candy is evil and laced with cyanide. Most every year I end up taking the candy to my students just to get it out of the house. Anyway, with the trunk or treat, she gets to play with her friends while in costume and I don't have to bring home lots of extra calories.

My mom made our costumes and I thought they turned out so cute. Little Ann picked out her pattern and then we just ran with the rest of a 50's theme. She wanted to be a 50's car hop and so I went with the poodle skirt thing.

A couple of nights ago I went up to my mom's attic and dug out my old records to hang from the back of the van. I also had a cd of oldies but goodies playing which really set the mood. I just laughed at the kids though. I can't tell you how many kids came by and asked me what the records were. They honestly had no clue. Isn't that funny?

Anyway, I can't believe how fast October flew by. I am sorry I have been so lame lately. I know several of you have given me awards, memes, tags, gifts by real mail, and even boo-ed me and I haven't responded to any of that. I am going to, I promise. I know the rest of the year is going to be just as hectic...for all of us.

I tried to do a little something new with the blog this morning too. And if you noticed..or if you didn't, I have changed it about 10 times trying to get happy with it. This seems to suit my fancy at the moment, but don't be surprised if it comes up different again soon.

Enjoy your weekend.


Anonymous said...

The blog looks beautiful, but you girls look amazing!!! Your daughter so suits her costume. She looks as though she has been plucked out of the 50's... Your Mum is very talented. It all looks great!

Shannon said...

Cute costumes!! Love the new look!

April said...

I love your new blog design! Of course, you sound just like me. What appeals to me today might change on the turn of a dime tomorrow. You just never know!

I love all your pictures! I could, literally, eat my weight in fried rice at a hibachi grill restaurant! So delicious!! Glad to hear that your son had a great 18th birthday. Sounds like he'd better hold on to that girlfriend of his. She sounds like a "keeper".

Your Halloween costumes are so cute! I can't believe your mom made those! She really should go into business, if she hasn't already!

Aubs said...

Love the trunk or treat thing! One of the church's here does that and i think it is a great idea and i love your costumes and decor! CUTE!!

The birthday dinner looks like alot of fun! Glad he had a great birthday!

And the blog design is too stinkin' cute! Love it!!

Heidi Zawisza said...

Oh my gosh!!! Your costumes are BY FAR my favorite I have seen this year! You are such a cool mom! Little Ann must be so proud!!!
Happy Birthday to Big Dan! Yeah, you'll probably get out done by the girlfriend alot from now on.....that stinks!! I hope Carter NEVER gets that old!:)

Rae said...

If your 18 year old son is wearing Ed Hardy does that mean a mom of 30-something years is too old? :)

I love your costume!!!! Such a great poodle skirt!