Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Anybody tired of my nostalgia? I hope not. I think I remember telling you in a previous post that I have a hard time remembering anything and that blogging sometimes enables me to go back to the "good ol days" and dig up those memories that seem to go foggier and foggier as the years pass.

Today is my parent's anniversary so I chose to scan in one of my favorite photographs from their "dating" days. It has been 41 years (if I remember correctly) and yes, my mom is still taller than my dad even without the beehive.

They've been out on the town today and my daddy took my mom out for prime rib tonight.

Aren't they cute? I think I'll keep em.


April said...

Wow...41 years is quite an accomplishment by today's standards and definitely a reason to have a "shout it from the rooftop" kind of celebration! Congrats to them both...I love the picture of them! Aren't you glad that beehives are a thing of the past? :)

His Girl said...

this pic is AWESOME.

How funny, I was just about to write, "Someone should bring that 'do back!"~ then I read the above comment. he he.

good stuff, congratulations to your 'rents.

Kim Hancock said...

I hope they had a wonderful anniversary! I love blogging since I have a hard time getting scrapbook pages done. I actually think I'm going to start printing them out. I thin it is nice to go back through the posts.