Friday, March 13, 2009

A Friday the 13th Daybook

Outside my window.....a slight breeze and cold, but at least there's no rain. (Well, I spoke too soon. It started raining before I even finished this post.) Things are turning green despite the 40 degrees. I am sooooo glad they canceled the baseball tournament this weekend.

I am thinking.....what a wonderful time I had at Revival this week. I will admit, my week did NOT start off on the right foot, but God's been working on me all week with each new sermon I've heard. Thank you, God for blessing me. And for you prayer warriors out there that read, please pray for my family. Hard headed teenager, high tempered husband, sick daughter = stressed out MOM.

I am thankful.....that I have such wonderful parents that lift me up in prayer and would do anything for me.

From the kitchen.....a big yummy, pot of chili to warm my belly.

I am wearing.....tee shirt, some comfy jeans, and my favorite fuzzy socks.

I am reading.....nothing, but wanting to.

I am hoping.....that I can scrapbook soon. I am feeling the urge BIG TIME, but it's one of those things where I get overwhelmed with guilt if I do it when I have other things lingering over my head. Believe me though. I've got the FEVER.

I am creating.....a clean living room floor just as soon as I finish this post. Tired of trampling over laundry that should've been put away Monday! Ug.

I am hearing.....Little House on the Prairie. Life was so much simpler then, but Ma and Pa Ingalls are in an argument??? I didn't know they ever had a disagreement.

Around the house.....I've been cleaning and organizing. What a great feeling.

One of my favorite electric blanket that I've so desperately been missing. Pete is glad I burnt that sucker up, but I want another one.

A few plans.....Girl Scout Pioneer Days tomorrow, Church on Sunday, Little Ann turns 11 next week...ELEVEN. oh my goodness...ballgames, ballgames and more ballgames.

A picture thought for the day.....

I took this picture of Little Ann in March of 2007. She's grown up so much.

Oh Spring. Where, oh where are you??


Melissa Stover said...

i am so thankful i do not live in little house on the prairie days. i am so thankful for a dishwasher, a washing machine,electric blankets! and computers!

revival was awesome!

April said...

Such a great daybook post...even if it is Friday the 13th! You lucked out with the baseball games being cancelled...we have a track meet tomorrow and it's supposed to be cold and rainy. They won't cancel it...unless it starts lightening. I'm in for a miserable kind of day!

You have a hard headed teenager, too, huh? I'm right there with you, sister! Maybe we need to compare notes!

Anonymous said...

That is such a pretty picture of your girl... so sweet! I would love to be watching the old Little House eps. If I wasn't asthmatic, I think it would have been my kind of era (!!!) to grow up in. Everything much simpler in a lot of ways. But, if we knew what we know now, wouldn't there be so many things that we would miss in our day-to-day lives?!! Hope you have a weekend that leaves you feeling less stressed, and I hope that the almost birthday girl gets better real soon. N x

Leigh Ann said...

Loved this post. I love that your daughter loves LHOTP. I STILL love that show, and I do wish we could go back to simple life like that sometimes except I need my washing machine, air conditioning, a dishwasher...well, maybe I don't want to go back. :)

Betsy said...

I am so ready for spring, too!! Little Ann is so sweet in that picture!

Sorry things have been stressful for you lately. Hopefully you will have a better week!

PS-I love revivals!!