Monday, March 2, 2009

You Think I'm Obsessive?

I'm sorry. I know you guys are probably beginning to think by now I am truly obsessive compulsive. After days and hours spent working on this blog layout, I just can't get happy. I even purchased those tabs and header from the shabby shoppe and loved them, but without really knowing what I was doing, I couldn't use them without a white background which really bugged me.

I've got so much on my plate throughout the next month with 4 or more basball games per week, bible study, revival, a consignment sale in the big city, a spa party, Little Ann's birthday, a long overdue promised room makeover during Spring Break....and the list goes on. I guess I will just have to settle until I find some time to either learn how to compose my own or get someone to help me. Until then, just bear with me.

It is officially one hour until the big finale of The Bachelor!! We'll see how this pans out and I may be back later tonight for one last venting session. lol.


Sissy said...

I am totally staying up to watch the whole Bachelor thing tonight. Can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

hsmomma said...

So you're not obsessive compulsive?? ;). Thought we'd already agreed that we both were. LOL

Scrapper Mom said...

hmmmmmm....well.....I've never officially been diagnosed anyway. lol.

Kim Hancock said...

I would love to get some jam up blog makeover, but don't want to spend the money or time obsessing over it... because that is exactly what I would do!