Sunday, April 12, 2009

Total Randomness

Some randomness for you...

This past week seems nothing more than a whirlwind for me now as I look back. I'm so tired as I write, I can't really even remember what the past 6 days beheld. I do know that today marks the beginning of a new week and represents the day my Lord and Savior rose from the grave. Oh how I am so thankful for that "agape" love He showed the day He died for my sins.

It seems as though I'm missing Pete more and more. He's been working so much lately. Part of our mutual total money makeover plan. I am so grateful to him for the sacrifices he has been making and appreciate the contributions, but I must admit I miss him.

You know..(in deep thought) much as I miss him, marriage is a hard thing. I sometimes wonder for the life of me why Pete can't understand me. He thinks I speak some foreign off the wall idiotic female language, (but it all makes perfect sense to me). When I nag, he goes outside to escape me. When I cry, he tells me to stop wallowing. When I am angry, he tells me I sound like a banshee. And when it's that week of the month...well, he tells me to talk to him again next week. It must be true what they say about men being from Mars and women from Venus. I guess what I'm trying to say is...I wish they'd offer a crash course in "listening, consoling, understanding, and apologizing" on Mars.

...and I know it's a two way street.

I can be difficult. I know this too (but I won't take credit for all of it).

Oh well, in changing the randomness, just so you know...(even misunderstood), I'm pretty sure I love him.... alot.

We played lots of baseball this week. A game on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and a mini Tournament on Saturday. It was pretty exciting and we won all of the above.

Good Friday really did turn out to be a pretty "good" day. We welcomed this new precious boy into the world....

and then Little Ann and I went to see.....

which was pretty good for a Hannah Montana movie. (shhh...don't tell anybody I said that.)


Unknown said...

Wow you went to see Hannah Montana on the day it came out...thats brave! Long lines or pre-ordered tickets? It does look kinda cute...but I think me and the girls will wait for the dvd! BTW I know what you mean about the man/woman thing. But sometimes I look back at those times I nagged him and I think, "For what reason?". He is so great and I love him and I need to stop crying and complaining! Sometimes us women are hard to understand to even our ownselves! But I hear you!

Unknown said...

"the girls and I"!!! Grammer fix!

April said...

Abby has been wanting to see that movie, too! I just hate paying $8.50 for movie tickets.

I completely understand what you mean about men having a tough time understanding women. They all suffer from the same "disease". Maybe that's just the way God intended it to be...makes like more challenging. I don't know if Chris and I would be together if we were more alike...we are polar opposites. In his defense, he is pretty good about comforting me when I need a hug and he does try hard to understand me...even when I don't understand myself! I think that's what makes a marriage strong...making it through all the ups and downs life throws at you and never giving up!

Hope you have a great Monday!

Shannon said...

That movie does look kind of cute. :) I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

Sissy said...

I love the prom pictures! And it was really nice that you offered to make them dinner and save them money. I'm sure Little Ann will be dreaming of prom dresses for months...I totally would be.

Yes, husbands and wives have different frequencies, don't they? Right now my husband is curled up with a migraine and whining about it, yet he won't take any medicine. Um, the Excedrin Migraine would solve the problem in the whole time he's been whining. It would be nice if we could just talk to each other and understand each other the first time.