I love Facebook. I really do. But sometimes, it gets kind of crazy with so many people "poking" you, sending you smiles, plants, and trying to get you to join this cause and that. And really, that's not a bad thing cause I like smiles and causes and all that stuff.
Lately, there has been this "random things about me" meme (I guess you call it) floating around on facebook and believe it or not, I actually thought of 25...I mean 27 random things about me. I even surprised myself. I started and the thoughts just kept coming. haha. So, since I have several of you blog friends that are not my facebook friends, I thought I would include you in the fun. And feel free to do this yourself even if you're not on facebook, because really, you might just find out your not as boring as you think you are.
1. I was saved and baptized when I was 8 years old.
2. I have always had a fear of changing lanes and heavy traffic. I drove in the big city by myself for the first time this past year and it was so liberating.
3. I have small feet. (The smallest thing on my body probably, lol.)
4. One of my very first jobs was checking groceries at Piggly Wiggly and it was a blast.
5. I became a stay at home mom when my daughter was 3 mos old and never regretted it once.
6. My husband and I married after only knowing each other a mere 6 months.
7. My hair is naturally red. I have only colored it once in my life and it turned maroon!! Not good. I have had highlights 3 times (and I kinda like them). It is full of wave and annoying cowlicks in which I disguised with a perm most of my teenage life. Luckily short, sassy, wild styles are what's in now!
8. When I get to choose what we eat when dining out, I usually choose Mexican.
9. I've been to Disney World 3 times in my life. Once at age 14 with my mom, dad and brother. Once with my Senior classmates, and once with my immediate family and sis/bro in law when Katie turned 7. She celebrated with Cinderella. I could go back a hundred times.
10. I can't stand to hear someone take the Lord's name in vain.
11. I sleep with an electric blanket year round, and would be happy if my thermostat was on 80 all the time.
12. I have driving issues. I once got a speeding ticket in Stephens, AR going 85 in a school zone. I got another ticket for rolling through a stop sign earlier that same year (college days). When I was in high school, I ran in the ditch during heavy fog, and once backed into the telephone service man's truck sitting in my driveway. I have run out of gas, and knocked my passenger side mirror off my car on someone's mailbox. I can't think of anything I've done lately, except cut people off (and the current scratch from getting too close to my own mailbox). I think my son has taken after me. BEWARE!
13. I have never been too far from home, but I went on a mission trip this year to Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and got to see Mt. Rushmore before returning home.
14. I lie down with my daughter every night at bedtime and wish she still twisted my hair.
15. I have always had a big behind and have been off and on yo-yo diets since my first pregnancy.
16. I am chronically late and no matter what I do, I can't change it.
17. I really like to scrapbook and have all kinds of gadgets, but can never seem to find the time to drag it all out anymore.
18. I don't have very much patience and I yell alot.
19. I once lit a cigarette at the wrong end and that was a sure sign I wasn't destined to be a smoker.
20. I hate things that require much thought and often get my friends to figure things out for me. (ie. owners manuals, directions, homework...)
21. I read the entire bible over a 3 year period.
22. When I substitute, the kids at school think I have OCD because I have an obsession with sweeping the floor and keeping the desks in line.
23. I frequently leave my flat iron on and my husband is afraid I am going to burn the house down.
24. I have a terrible memory and often rely on friends and family to jog my memory and tell me stories.
25. I was 10 days overdue with the birth of my first child and put in the hospital on bed rest due to preeclampsia.
(WOW!!! This wasn't so hard...I even thought of 3 more!!)
26. I used to own my own business. It was a children's resale shop and I did great business.
27. My teeth were straight until I lost my retainer about a month after I had it.
27. I have fussed at my son the last 18 years of his life for his grades, his attitude, his room, his inability to keep up with things, and his driving....but the truth is....he's just like me!
I want to know more about you too, so let me know if you do this!